Impact Spotlight
Skilled trades training and employment opportunities for 18 local youth
15kW installations in 3 remote communities, bringing light to 320 households
Decreased reliance on fossil fuels and wood-burning stoves for 1600 people
In rural villages of Madagascar, 98% of communities live on just $34/month, exist entirely offgrid, and rely on kerosene lamps as their only source of light at night. The lamps cost as much as 18% of families’ monthly income, and lead to high rates of pulmonary disease. Working on the frontlines of climate change, EDEN, a small women-led NGO, creates community-driven solutions to improve the economic, social, and emotional wellbeing of women across Madagascar.
“Clean energy is not just for light [it also lights communities] mentality in order to help us protect our environment, especially our natural forest and develop our community”
HF Partnership
With funding from HF, EDEN will work with women-cooperatives in three agricultural-based rural communities to install three 5kW solar+battery storage systems serving a total of 300 households. Once installed, these systems will utilize a pay-as-you-go model and each co-op will be responsible for determining the tariff amount and collection structure for energy usage. To ensure system sustainability and possible replication of the model, installations will be accompanied by the training of 18 youth (6 per community) who will be trained on installation, maintenance, and administration.
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