Impact Spotlight

Access to energy for 40 families

7.16 kW rooftop system installed

Solar installation training for 25 students




Terra Preta, a mostly Baré Indigenous community of 40 families, is calling for solar energy. Located in the metropolitan region of Manaus, Brazil, on the bank of the lower Negro River, the community currently relies on a diesel generator to supply basic, intermittent, and costly residential power.

The implementation of solar energy will help bring the internet and allow people to stay in the territory to study and have a better quality of life. For us indigenous peoples, generating solar energy does not have to destroy nature and deforest.
— unattributed

HF Partnership


The Honnold Foundation is helping Revolusolar expand their solar program throughout the Brazilian Amazon, starting with Terra Preta.

Access to a stable power supply will facilitate internet access, and bring new socio-economic opportunities to the community for the first time. Internet access also drives education opportunities, which, in turn, dissuade young people from leaving the community to continue their education. Solar energy training for 25 residents will also drive job opportunities and increased solar adoption throughout the region.


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