Impact Spotlight
Community internet hub for one village
Solar powered tourism and community center
Supporting the conservation of South Africa’s Wild Coast
The Amadiba community of South Africa is known nationally and globally as an icon of resistance to extractive industry. Founded in 2008 and led by community members, Sustaining the Wild Coast works with the Amadiba residents to support their commitment to protecting their land, livelihoods and culture.
“Solar is perfect for our Amadiba Tourism because we like to teach visitors to care for the environment. If we are trying to stop companies like Shell from mining our oceans we ourselves must use fossil fuel energy as little as possible.”
HF Partnership
In partnership with the Honnold Foundation, Sustaining the Wild Coast will work with two Amadiba communities to increase access to solar energy in their communities. In Kwanyana, an area renowned for its long resistance to coastal dune mining for heavy minerals, SWC will work with residents to construct and install a solar array on the community owned Tourism Centre which is a key source of income for the community. In Baleni village, SWC will partner with trained community members to pilot the area's first community owned and run internet network, bridging the digital divide that exists in the area due to inadequate network coverage and high data costs.
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