Impact Spotlight
20 kW rooftop solar array
Advocating for policy change to relieve energy burden for local families
21% reduction in energy bills
Memphis Rox and One Family Memphis bring rehabilitation, healing, and a renewed sense of hope to challenged communities by providing a climbing facility and programs to foster relationships across cultural, racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds.
Memphis Rox is the first nonprofit climbing gym of its size, standing at 32,000 square feet. Unlike most modern climbing gyms, Memphis Rox excludes no one, regardless of their ability to pay. The climbing center also houses Juice Almighty, an affordable cafe, the Soulsville Community Closet, a pay-what-you-can store, and an Educational Food Garden.
At Rox, climbing is simply a metaphor for overcoming life’s obstacles.
“We’re not for profit— we’re for people”
HF Partnership
The Honnold Foundation and One Family Memphis have partnered to bring solar energy to Soulsville, Tennessee. With the Honnold Foundation’s support, Memphis Rox is designing and installing a 20kW grid-tied solar array that will offset 20% of their monthly utility expenses, saving money for what matters— their work.
Ultimately, this partnership is about more than putting solar panels on a roof. Historically, South Memphis has been subject to severe environmental inequity. Residents of the Memphis metro area pay some of the highest utility bills in the nation. If coupled with meaningful policy change, this solar installation will catalyze environmental justice reform, first in Memphis, and then inspiring similar reforms throughout Tennessee.
Incumbent policies from the Tennessee Valley Authority prevented the rooftop solar energy project from being larger. The Honnold Foundation is prepared and committed to funding a larger install for One Family Memphis if and when the Tennessee Valley Authority enables it.
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