Santo Sunset Environment Network

Santo Sunset Environment Network

Building solar-powered internet connectivity for the social and ecological resilience of Indigenous communities in Vanuatu.

Size of Wales

Size of Wales

Empowering the regional expansion of Kara Solar’s solar-powered boats and community centers in the Peruvian Amazon.

Sustaining the Wild Coast

Sustaining the Wild Coast

Developing a community-owned, solar-powered internet hub, and supporting sustainable tourism practices for an indigenous South African community.

Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program

Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program

 Solar home systems for 400 homes across seven villages for the first and only Indigenous-owned wildlife conservation reserve in Papua New Guinea.

Southside Blooms

Southside Blooms

Solar-powered flower farms, producing jobs, revitalizing vacant land, and providing sustainable agriculture education for inner-city Chicago.

Hilltop Schools

Hilltop Schools

Solar array and education for a tuition-free school for girls in Liberia.



Clean energy and irrigation technologies to promote sustainable livelihoods in the Indian Himalaya.

Ceibo Alliance

Solar energy for remote indigenous communities fighting to protect their ancestral ways of life alongside some of the most biodiverse rainforests on the planet.

Mee Panyar

Mee Panyar

Displacing rural diesel consumption in Myanmar with a community-owned solar mini-grid.

Asociación Fénix

Asociación Fénix

Creating solar-powered food systems and sustainable production models for families across Lake Nicaragua.

Native Renewables

Native Renewables

Off-grid solar installations and workforce development on the Navajo and Hopi Nations.

Community Partners

Community Partners

Solar energy for BIPOC led organizations in the most polluted regions of the United States.

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund

Reaching grassroots groups around the world working to implement solar energy projects in their communities.

Fundación Kara Solar

Fundación Kara Solar

Scaling a network of solar-powered canoes to transform transportation across the Amazon.