Solar Powered community training center & education for Venezuelan Indigenous communities.
Solar Powered community training center & education for Venezuelan Indigenous communities.
Solar installation for a BIPOC owned permaculture farm & education center.
Energy access and sustainable living to protect vital mangrove ecosystems in Papaturro, Guatemala.
Solar energy and job opportunities for women in Huella del Bosque Medolo, Puerto Rico.
Solarizing honey production, creating workforce development opportunities, and conserving mangrove forests alongside a Guatemalan fishing community.
Empowering women in rural communities of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula through hands-on training in solar system installation and maintenance.
Replacing wood-burning stoves with solar energy, building economic opportunity, and protecting mangrove ecosystems in Aceh, Indonesia.
Solar power to 50 Dalit households, 5 girls’ higher secondary schools, and 5 primary health centers in Vadipatti Taluk, India.
Solar energy access, education, and jobs for Colombian Indigenous communities.
Solar power for a world-class educational campus for at-risk girls and young women in the Dominican Republic.
Agrivoltaics guided by traditional Native agricultural practices to support economic development and Indigenous leadership in solar energy across New Mexico.
An Indigenous community recuperates and regenerates ancestral territory in Colombia’s Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Democratizing power by solarizing education, livelihoods, and households in Negrosanon communities.
Solar for the Anishinaabe people of the Red Lake Tribal Nation.
Transitioning agricultural processing equipment to solar to improve womens’ economic opportunities.
Increasing access to electricity and clean water for riverbank families and promoting the use of renewable energy in rural areas across the Brazilian Amazon.
Using the expertise of recently graduated female solar installers to increase access to energy across four rural communities in Madagascar.
Strengthening the Buffalo program for the Northern Cheyenne and creating one of the few tribally owned microgrids in the US.
Increasing access to electricity and promoting economic development for some of the most remote communities in the Triunfo Cristal Páez Indigenous reservation.
Expanding communication across four communities in the northern Peruvian Amazon via solar-powered radio access.